Page 49 - Pure Life 28
P. 49
48 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 39-64, Autumn 2021
we have earlier human being that distinguishes
clarified, that it is a him from other living beings
pure life in which there and gives direction to his
is no malice that actions. (Mutahhari, n.d: 5)
corrupts it”. (Ṭabaṭabai, Moreover, faith in God is
1996: Vol. 12: 341- 343) considered as the main and
central point of the messages of
In a nutshell, a goodly pure the Prophets of God; That is to
life (i.e., Ḥayāt-i-Tayyibah) is a say, all the Messengers of God,
kind of individual or social life, right from prophet Adam to
which is characterized by calmness; prophet Muhammad were chosen
smoothness; purity, and peace and sent by Allah to invite the
of mind and it is free from people to faith in God. Thus,
every kind of pollution; the acquisition of its
oppression, and betrayal; prerequisites and necessary
enmity and hatred; captivity conditions that can lead a
and humiliation, and all kinds person to this valuable attribute
of worries and anything that has been strongly encouraged.
makes life unpleasant.
Faith (i.e., Imān) is one of
Status and Virtues of Faith the crucial themes of the
in Islam glorious Qur'an and the sayings
In Islam, faith has been highly (Hadith) of the infallible ones.
emphasized as the highest It occurs forty-five times; (Abd
guiding spiritual attribute and al-Baqi, 1986: 89) but its
the axis around which all the various derivatives are used
religious teachings are centered. nearly nine hundred times in
It is a distinctive attribute of a the glorious Qur'an. (Ibid: 81-93)