Page 48 - Pure Life 28
P. 48

The Role of Faith… A.M Bello et al / (47

                  It is necessary to state that in   and which is free of malice and
               this  article,  a  goodly  pure  life   evil in itself or its impact:
               will  be  used  for  the  phrase             “The  sentence  explicitly
               'Ḥayāt al-Tayyibah'.                         indicates    that     God
                  In  a  technical  sense,  Ḥayāt           Almighty honors the believer
               al-Tayyibah  is a life free from             who  works  righteousness

               any form of pollution:                       with a new life different
                      “The  Qur'anic  phrase                from that he shares with
                      ‘Ḥayāt-i-Tayyibah’                    other  people,  and  it  is
                      meaning  'a  goodly  pure             not  intended  to  change
                      life'  signifies  a  'clean'          the  attribute  of  life  in
                      life  from  every  point  of          him      for     example,

                      view;  clean  from  all               transforming his bad life
                      pollutions, cruelties, treasons,      to  good  one  while
                      hostilities, capturing meanness       retaining the same basis
                      and all sorts of anxieties            of life as it was. This is
                      including  all  of  those             because if that was what
                      things  which  turn  the              is  intended,  it  would  be
                      wholesome  length  of                 enough for Allah to say:

                      one's     life   into    a            ‘We  will  make  his  life
                      disagreeable one”. (Faqih             good’ but He  said: ‘We
                      Imani, 1997, Vol. 8: 569)             shall  revive  him  with  a
                                                            good life’. And with this
                  In Tafsir al-Mizan, a goodly              statement,  the  reason
               pure life (i.e., Ḥayāt al-Tayyibah)          why  He  described  such

               is  described  as  a  new  life              life  with  the  adjective
               different from that of other people
                                                            ‘Tayyib’  (i.e.,  good  or
                                                            pure) becomes clear, as
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