Page 118 - Pure Life 29
P. 118
Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (117
concepts such as love by the but love, so a person has to
physical instruments. (Fouladi go with love and passion to
and Yousefi, 2005) know the essence of creation.”
In this regard Rumi states: (Boostani, 2017)
Partial reason is only
In expounding it (love) the familiar with worldly love and
intellect lay down helplessly cannot transcend the worldly
like an ass in the mire
love to the heavenly one.
It was love alone that uttered Comparatively, Blake also
the explanation of love and believes that, reason is the
love hood cause of separation of man
(Rumi, 1990, I: 115) from the divinity. He states
that reason, firstly, has separated
Or in another poem he states: man from nature and then
When the lover (of God) is fed from his creator. Thus, he writes:
from (within) himself with
pure wine And Urizen craving with hunger
Then reason becomes lost, lost Stung with the odours of Nature
oh comrade Explor'd his dens around
He form'd a line & a plummet
Partial reason is a denier To divide the Abyss beneath.
of love He form'd a dividing rule:
Though it may give out that it He formed scales to weigh;
is a confidant He formed massy weights;
(Ibid, I: 1981-1982) He formed a brazen quadrant;
It is believed that “the He formed golden compasses
foundation of life and creation And began to explore the Abyss
is neither science nor reason, (Blake, 20.32-20.41, E 80-81)