Page 114 - Pure Life 29
P. 114
Reason, A Barrier or A Bridge… M. Dehghani Firouzabadi and M. Islami / (113
Rumi puts it partial reason is of love is brought up, the poet
inadequate to attain divine union looks at reason negatively. In
and one may do vicious acts this regard, Rumi states:
according to one’s own reason. When you build a nest for a
Thus, he states: chicken
What we do depends in You cannot put a camel so
large measure upon what large in it
we think, and if what That chicken is reason and
we do is evil, there is that nest is your body
good empirical reason That camel is love which is
for supposing that our high and proud
thought-patterns are (Rumi, 1990, Ghazal, 2937: 1-2)
inadequate to material,
mental or spiritual reality. Rumi metaphorically points
(Huxley, 1945: 62) out that reason is so limited in
time and space that one cannot
In view of that, reason plays understand metaphysical concepts
an important role in Persian and such as love through it.
Romantic literature. More specifically, Accordingly, Blake also believes
reason is a significant concept in that reason might be limited to
the works of poets who are time and space and it is so
familiar with theology, philosophy, narrow and spiritually blind
and logic. Sometimes poets and that cannot enlighten the path
writer have noted reason in to the union with God. Blake
order to find a theme or states “man has closed himself
express a concept and a up till he sees all things thro'
literary image. In addition, in narrow chinks of his cavern”.
some cases, when the subject (Blake, Vision, E 555)