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               114  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 103-136, Winter 2022
                  Similarly, Huxley asserts that:    realize  how  they  fit  in.  To
                      If,  in  our  pride  and       state  the  matter  differently,
                      madness,  we  treat  it        reason  is  a  rational  process
                      (reason) as a proximate        in  which  one  must  enter
                      means to the divine End        step  by  step  and  gradually
                      (as  so  many  religious       and  determine  the  etiology
                      people  have  done  and        of cause and effect.
                      still  do),  or  if,  denying     According  to  Lankavatara
                      the existence of an eternal    Sutra,  “Those  who  vainly  reason

                      End, we regard it as at        without  understanding  the  truth
                      once  the  means  to           are  lost  in  the  jungle  of  the
                      Progress  and  its  ever-      Vijnanas  (the  various  forms
                      receding  goal  in  time,      of  relative  knowledge),  running
                      cleverness  becomes  the       about  here  and  there  and  trying
                      enemy, a source of spiritual   to  justify  their  view  of  ego-
                      blindness, moral evil and      substance”. (Ref: Ibid: 14)

                      social disaster. (Huxley,         Thus,  it  is  not  possible
                      1945: 163)                     for  reason  to  understand  the
                                                     totality  at  once,  rather  it  must
               The  Argumentative  Nature            go  in  a  definite  manner  in  a
               of Reason                             syllogistic  logical  step.  In  this

               Reason  by  its  very  nature,  is    regard Spurgeon remarks:
               analytical.  In  other  words,  if           The  mystic  believes  that
               an  individual  is  about  to                as  the  intellect  is  given
               find  out  the  truth  through  reason,      us  to  apprehend  material
               he  or  she  has  to  split  up  the         things,  so  the  spirit  is
               known  entities  which  are                  given  us  to  apprehend

               going  to  be  analyzed  and
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