Page 117 - Pure Life 29
P. 117
116 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 103-136, Winter 2022
instead of universal reason various forms of relative
as a bridge to the divine knowledge), running about here
ground. (Safavi, 2010) and there and trying to justify
their view of ego-substance”.
The Limitations of Partial (Ref: Huxley, 1945: 14)
Reason It is believed that everything
The materialistic world is the that cannot be understood is
mixture of truth and falsehood. rejected by partial reason. Man
This claim is proved by the must have convincing arguments
barriers of understanding for everything that he accepts
metaphysics, the descent of or rejects and be silent when
spirit from the unseen world something is beyond his
to the materialistic world, understanding. However, those
and the exposure of God’s who judge based on partial
will to the existence of reason accept or reject
negligent in the universe. In everything easily. Thus, partial
other words, when man came reason wants to solve all
to the material world, there metaphysical and supernatural
were veils between him and issues while it is limited to the
the unseen world. Thus, the time, place, quantity and quality.
veils prevented man from In other words, partial reason
complete understanding of the deals with the instruments
truth in the unseen world. that were acquired from the
In this regard, Lankavatara materialistic world and limited
Sutra states “Those who vainly sense. Consequently, partial
reason without understanding reason is condemned since it
the truth are lost in the tries to perceive metaphysical
jungle of the Vijnanas (the