Page 145 - Pure Life 29
P. 145
144 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 137-156, Winter 2022
arrange their beds to “And when your children
sleep separately from attain puberty let them
the age of ten.” (Hurr Amili, ask to leave to come to
2008, Vol. 2: 231) you like their elders used
to ask leaves. Thus, does
● The etiquette of asking Allah clearly explain to
permission before entering you His signs. He is All-
a room has been Knowing, All-Wise”.
encouraged in order to (Quran, 24: 59)
keep children from looking
at what sexually provokes ● The etiquette of gazing;
them, or from preoccupying God Almighty said in
their minds with sex- His Glorious Book:
related issues for which “O Prophet, Tell the
they have no explanation believing men to drop
due to it not being their sight and guard
suitable for their thinking their chastity. That is purer
at this age, in addition for them. Surely Allah is
to their lack of experience All-Aware of what they
in these matters. do”. (Quran, 24: 30)
● The etiquette of asking Furthermore, Imam Ali highlights:
for permission is mentioned “The eye is the reporter
in the Quran, and God of the heart and the
defines when it is messenger of mind”.
permissible to do so and (Majlisi, 1983, Vol. 104: 41)
when it is not. He said: