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               158  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022
               Introduction                             government, regional government,
               Indonesia  is  a  country  that          community organizations and
               nowadays faces various threats,          family.  In  spite  of  that,
               obstacles and challenges both            Indonesia  is  a  big  country
               from  inside  and  outside  the          that  consists  of  various
               country.  One  such  threat  is          ethnic,  cultural  and  religion
               the  increasing  of  radicalism          that  need  security  and

               and terrorism action that occurred.      safety condition so that the
               According to data from LSI               developmental process can
               (Indonesian  Survey  Institute)          run  smoothly  and  swiftly.
               there  is  an  increasing  trend         Therefore,  various  acts  of
               of  radicalism  and  terrorism           radical  and  terrorism  that
               acts  during  the  last  3  years        occur  must  be  observed
               due to several factors such as           and given special attention
               intolerance, corruption, radical         to find solutions.

               ideology etc.                              Specifically, this study is
                   Research on this case is             aimed  to  answer  what  are
                 very important because the             the  main  causes  of  radical
                 acts  of  radicalism  and              and terror actions that generally
                 terrorism have caused a lot            occurred  in  Indonesia  and
                 of  negative  impacts  and             how  does  the  appropriate

                 unrest inside Indonesian people.       preventive actions to avoid
                   It can only be anticipated           the similar incident?
                 earlier   by    cooperation,
                 collaboration and communication
                 among  various  parties  in
                 society,  such  as  central
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