Page 164 - Pure Life 29
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Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (163

                 to  contemporary  problems           variables  are  manipulated.
                 that applicable for Indonesian       The  major  purpose  is  to
                 society.                             make description of the real

                   Furthermore, according to          radicalism and terrorism action
                 Crenshaw,  Hamelin states            that happen in Indonesia and

                 that  acts  of  terrorism  are       other countries of the world
                 generally based on subjective        in  order  to  find  authentic
                 interpretations of the world         solution based on Religious
                 rather  than  objective  reality.    ethic perspectives.

                 Perceptions  of  political,             Also  in  this  research,
                 social  and  social  conditions      observation  on  the  data
                 influence psychological conditions   interview  gathered  from  the
                 which are then reflected in          Library  research,  Interview
                 acts of terror that endanger         with  experts,  Seminars  and
                 others.  Therefore,  Religious       discussions and Internet channel
                 ethics  knowledge  theories          and websites.

                 can  be  used  as  one  of  the      Terrorism Definition based
                 solutions  to  overcome  the         on Religious Sources
                 aggressive     actions     of
                 terrorists through changing            The discussion about terrorism
                 their  perspectives.  (Ref:            in  Islam  actually  has  been
                                                        widely  occurred  since  the
                 Hamelin et al, 2011: 226)
                                                        first time of its birth spread
               Research Methodology                     by the prophet Muhammad;
               This research can be included            because  based  on  His

               into  descriptive-qualitative            teaching, Islam is a religion
               research because there is no             of peace, based on its name
               experiment conducted and no              “Islam”  is  taken  from  the
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