Page 161 - Pure Life 29
P. 161
160 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (29): 157-176, Winter 2022
other countries of the ease of
the world? disseminating radical
• What are the ideologies and social
trigger factors of media freedom in
radical ideology to Indonesia and other
easily develop in countries of the
Indonesia and other world.
countries of the world? • Radical ideology
• What are the can be prevented
appropriate solutions by conveying Religious
to anticipate the teachings that
expansion of accordance with
radicalism and Religious ethics
terrorism Ideology originating from
based on Religious genuine teachings
ethic point of view? of the Prophet's family.
3. Hypotheses 4. Advantages
• The act of • The results of
radicalism and this study can be
terrorism in Indonesia used as a reference
and other countries by various authorities,
of the world is the educators, parents
result of the process and especially the
of spreading radical central government
ideology. of Indonesia and
• There are positive other countries of
relationship between the world to take