Page 162 - Pure Life 29
P. 162
Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (161
appropriate policies information from
and actions to terrorists in Indonesia
eradicate the seeds who had realized
of radicalism and their mistakes and
terrorism. became anti-terrorism
• Preventing the agents.
development of • A study entitled
radicalism and terrorism “Terrorism before and
and intolerance in after 9/11” by Smith
Indonesia and other and Zeigler (2017),
countries of the this has been done in
world to strengthen this regard. Authors
nations unity and states that there is
integrity. an increasing trend
• Stimulate and in terrorism in the
expand research and last 15 years due to
study in the field conflating terrorist
of Religious ethics activity with insurgency.
for other researchers • Another study entitled
and scientists. “Ancaman Virus
Terrorisme” by Ramelan
Research Background (2017) focused on
There are many studies intelligence observations
related to radicalism and of causes related to
terrorism in Indonesia; such as: terrorism that occurred
• Hwang (2018) in “Why in the international
Terrorist Quit?”, tried world and in
to explore primary