Page 160 - Pure Life 29
P. 160

Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from … M.Z. Amami et al / (159

               Research Issues                                   that are harmful to
                   1.      Objectives                            Indonesian society

                      •      Analyzing  the                      and other countries
                          various  objectives                    of the world.
                          of  radicals  and                  Stimulate  discussions
                          terrorists in different            and research from the

                          regions in Indonesia               standpoint of Religious
                          and other countries                ethics to solve problems
                          of the world.                      in human societies.
                      •      Comprehending                2.       Questions
                          the potential factors              •     What are the kinds
                          causing changes in                     of radical and terror
                          perpetrators behaviors                 actions  occurred  in
                          such as their ideology,                Indonesia and other

                          media, world events,                   countries of the world?
                          social issues, etc.                •     What      is    the
                      •      Knowing  the                        background  causes
                          sources and activities                 of  the  acts  of
                          of  organizations,                     radical  and  terror

                          radicalism     and                     occurred in Indonesia
                          terrorism networks                     and other countries
                          in  Indonesia  and                     of the world?
                          other countries of                 •
                          the world.                              What      are    the
                      •      Counteracting the                   purposes  of  radical
                                                                 and  terror  actions
                          spread of radicalism                   commonly  occurred

                          and terrorism ideologies
                                                                 in  Indonesia  and
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