Page 128 - Pure Life 30
P. 128

Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (127

               without having any purpose.            her by God such as observing
                  Allah mentions in the Quran:        modesty  and  wearing  hijab
                      “And I have not created         (Islamic veil) and the likes.

                      the  jinn  and  the  men            Being  a  woman,  she  can
                      except that they should          also  be  a  mother.  A  mother
                      serve  Me”.  (Quran,             plays one of the most social
                      51: 56)                          roles  and  expressions  of
                                                       human towards human. This
                  Acts of worship are duties           requires  a  lot  of  self

               incumbent  on  every  Muslim,           abandonment, generosity and
               male or female, while bringing          kindness.  That  is  the  reason
               benefit  and  preventing  harm          “mother” is the most beautiful
               are duties incumbent upon all           word, the symbol of love and
               Muslims,  males  and  females           self-sacrifice.  Children  shall
               collectively. Such duties must          be  thankful  to  their  mother.

               be  fulfilled.  If  they  remain        She  is  not  only  a  creator  of
               undone,  everyone  in  the              new  life  but  also  helps  to
               Muslim community is at fault            form     future   generations.
               and incurs a sin. (Khayat, 2003)        (Gezova, 2015)
                  A  woman  being  a  human               A  woman  is  created  to
               being;  it  is  her  primary  duty      bear and raise children in the
               to worship God. That includes           best  possible  way.  (Saifee

               the  daily  obligatory  prayers,        et al, 2012)
               observing fasting in the month              Pregnancy  and  childbirth
               of  Ramadhan,  performing  Hajj         are  sacred  duties  which  are
               if  she  is  able,  giving  Zakah       arduous, time consuming and
               (obligatory charity) and other          momentous. Man's reproductive
               things  that  is  prescribed  to
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