Page 132 - Pure Life 30
P. 132

Ethical Considerations of Employment… A. Valenzuela and M. Limba (131

                      and  He  put  between              The Holy Prophet stated:
                      you love and compassion;               “If  a  woman  does  not
                      most  surely  there  are               perform  her  duty  as  a

                      signs  in  this  for  a                spouse,  she  has  not
                      people  who  reflect”.                 done her duty to Allah”.
                      (Quran, 30: 21)                        (Hakim Naisaburi, 2002,
                                                             Vol. 2: 552)
                  Becoming  a  wife  is  very
               important  step  in  a  woman’s           Being  a  wife,  her  primary

               life. (Chand, 2009)                    responsibility  is  making  it
                  The  woman  must  bear  in          sure  that  she  is  performing
               mind  that  her  relationship          the  rights  of  her  husband
               with  her  husband  has  a             upon  her.  By  fulfilling  her
               religious  priority  and  that  it     duties,  she  is  fulfilling  his
               comes  at  the  head  of               rights. It  is  natural  that  the

               everything else as long as this        man  looks  towards  his  wife
               relationship is included within        and  family  as  a  source  of
               the  frame  of  the  religious         comfort and relief. Therefore,
               standards. Such an importance          she  should  anticipate  his
               is  attached  to  the  woman’s         expectations and needs. Wife
               relationship with her husband          must  be  the  source  of
               to  the  extent  that  it  is          happiness to her husband, the

               considered  to  be  a  basis  for      source of love care and respect.
               the  woman’s  struggle  for            (Amini, 2002)
               God’s  sake.  (Ma'arif  Books,
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