Page 158 - Pure Life 30
P. 158

Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (157

                  That  is  because  getting  to      experiencers       not     only
               the  world  of  intellect  means       acknowledged the observation
               leaving the purgatory and the          of  the  form  of  their  actions,

               imaginal  world,  and  this  is        but  also  mention to  the  deep
               only  possible  when  defenite         feeling  and  understanding  of
               death comes.                           their  actions  in  such  a  way
                                                      that they fully understood the
               Facing the Truth of Deeds              effect  and  result  of  their

               and  Observing  Heaven                 action  from  within  and  from
               and Hell                               the depths of their being.
               Another  characteristic  that             At     this    stage,     the
               can be seen in the reports of          experiencers feels torment or

               near-death  experiences  is            joy  to  the  extent  of  the
               facing the truth of deeds and          correctness  or  incorrectness
               observing  heaven  and  hell.          of these actions.
               Facing  with  actions  usually                This luminous being that
               begins at the beginning of the                stood beside me showed
               experience  and  only  in  the                me  the  whole  flow  of
               form  of  observation  and                    my life. Everything you

               overview  of  actions.  In  this              did  was  in  front  of
               moment, the experiencer reviews               your  eyes  to  evaluate
               all the actions of his life from              and judge. Although it
               the beginning of birth to this                was very unpleasant for
               moment  quickly  and  at  the                 me  to  see  some  parts
               same time with all the details                of  it,  but  I  generally

                  During  this  time,  they                  enjoyed  watching  it
               observe  all  their  memories,                all . I  felt  sorry  and

               actions  and  behaviors.  The
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