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               158  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 143-173, Spring 2022

                      upset when I dealt with                When  the  attachment
                      people I had hurt. And                 of the body to the soul
                      the  moment  I  saw  the               was disconnected, whether
                      people I helped, I was                 voluntary or involuntary,
                      happy with what I did.                 the  soul  undoubtedly
                      (Morse, 1996: 26)                      experience  affairs  that
                                                             fit its actions, intentions,
               The Influence of Beliefs and                  and beliefs.

               Morals on the Human Soul
               The exposure of the near-death            This  is  similar  to  the
               experiencers  to  the  truth  of       Quranic verse
               their actions and the observation             “Certainly  you  were
               of  what  is  typically  called               heedless of it, but now

               heaven  and  hell  can  be                    We have removed from
               attributed  to  the  emergence                you  your  veil,  so  your
               and  the  manifestation  of  the              sight  today  is  sharp”.
               human  soul  perceived  when                  (Quran, 50: 22)
               one’s  attachment  to  the  soul          If  the  earthly  actions  are
               decreases (in the moribund or          good deeds and the intentions
               during near-death experiences).        behind  them  were  truthful

                  Actions, intentions, beliefs,       ones,  the  human  will  enjoy
               characteristics, and moral values      the peace and the gardens of
               directly  influence  the  human        delight. On the other hand, if
               soul and become united with            the  human’s  acts  and  beliefs
               it  to  the  extent  they  are         are  reprobates,  they  will  be
               ingrained in human existence.          served  by  fire  and  boiling

                  Taherzadeh argued that:             water. (Taherzadeh, 1996: 24)
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