Page 162 - Pure Life 30
P. 162

Characteristics of Near-Death Experiences… R. Salariyan et al (161

               effects arises from exposure              The heaven of actions is the
               to  the  truth  of  actions  and       lowest level of heaven and is

               their reward and punishment.           also  known  as  the  ‘bodily
                                                      heaven’ or the ‘folk heaven .’
               The Levels of Heaven and Hell             The heaven of attributes is

               The  truth  of  heaven  and  hell      placed     higher    than    the
               is  indeed  the  truth  of  the        ‘heaven  of  actions  and  is
               forms and the effects of one’s         indeed  the  manifestation  of
               actions. The manifestation and         humans ’  good  deeds  and
               emergence of human behavior            characteristics  ingrained  in

               and characteristics have levels        them. In the heaven of attributes,
               including action, attribute, and       all  gifts  and  bodily  pleasers
               essence.  Thus,  three  levels         exist abundantly and perfectly.
               can  be  identified  for  heaven       Thus,  it  cannot  be  compared
               and  hell.  The  heavens  and          to  the  heaven  of  actions.
               hells  of  actions,  attributes,       (Ibid: 364)
               and essence.                              The  heaven  of  attributes
               The  heaven  of  actions  is  the      and  names  is  also  called  the

               innate and celestial manifestation     ‘the  intermediate  heaven’  or
               of  one’s  good  deeds  and            the ‘heaven of ethics’.
               contains the bodily purgatory             The  highest  and  most
               and  heaven.  Human  beings            supreme  level  of  heaven  is
               have a physical sort of heaven         the  heaven  of  the  essence,
               related  to  their  actions  and       which refers to  the transition

               attain eschatological levels by        from  the  heavens  of  actions
               performing  good  deeds  and           and  attributes,  and  fully
               quitting  the  sinful  ones.           concentrating  on  the  Divine
               (Imam Khomeini, 2009: 360)
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