Page 60 - Pure Life 30
P. 60

The Nature of Religious Language… M. Mousavi Karimi and H. Tehrani Haeri / (59

                      attributes are not entirely            be known or demonstrated
                      equivocal nor are they                 about God at all.
                      entirely  univocal;  they              Now  names  are  thus

                      are used analogously.                  used  in  two  ways:
                  This is St. Thomas Aquinas’s               either according as many
               approach. He argues that,                     things are proportionate
                      Univocal predication is                to one, or according as
                      impossible between God                 one thing is proportionate
                      and creatures. The reason              to another; And in this

                      for  this  is  that  when              way some things are said
                      any  term  expressing                  of  God  and  creatures
                      perfection is applied to               analogically.
                      a  creature,  it  signifies
                      that perfection distinct               Now  this  mode  of
                      in  idea  from  other                  community of idea is a
                      perfections; whereas when              mean  between  pure

                      we apply it to God, we                 equivocation and simple
                      do not mean to signify                 univocation.  For  in
                      anything  distinct  from               analogies, a term which
                      His essence, or power,                 is  thus  used  in  a
                      or existence… Neither…                 multiple sense signifies
                      are  names  applied  to                various  proportions  to

                      God and creatures in a                 some      one      thing.
                      purely equivocal sense;                (Aquinas, 1947: 85-86)
                      Because  if  that  were            For example, “good” is applied
                      so, it follows that from        to  God  and  creatures  neither
                      creatures nothing could         identical nor totally different;
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