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               60  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (30): 51-89, Spring 2022

               it applies to the former, as all-          ➢  Paul Tillich’s thesis of
               good,  unlimitedly;  whereas  it              symbolic       language.
               applies to the latter limitedly.              (Tillich, 1957)
               In  contemporary  literature               ➢  Rudolf Bultmann’s idea
               this   approach     has    been               of  religious  language
               defended  by  a  number  of                   as a mythical language.
               philosophers, including Ralph                 (Bultmann, 1934; Ibid,
               McInerny. (Ref: McInerny, 1961;               1984; Ibid, 2000)
               Ibid, 1996)

                    It  is  worth  mentioning            The  common  aim  of  the
               that  metaphorical  language,          early and the later Wittgenstein
               in  propositions  like  “God  is       was  to  explain  the  proper
               my  rock  or  my  shepherd”,           relation between language and
               can  be  considered  as  a  kind       the world.
               of symbolic language.                     In  Tractatus  Wittgenstein
                  The second idea, according          believed  the  “picture  theory

               to which religious propositions        of meaning/language” according
               are  meaningful,  but  not             to which  the structure of our
               cognitively  significant  has          (formal     and    meaningful)
               historically  been  outlined  in       language  is  the  same  as  the
               various  forms.  The  most             structure    of    the   world;
               important of them might be:            (Wittgenstein, 1961) that is, a

                   ➢  The later Wittgenstein’s        meaningful (atomic) proposition
                      idea of language game.          pictures  a  state  of  affairs  or
                      (Wittgenstein, 2001: 4)         an atomic fact.
                                                         In Philosophical Investigations,
                                                      however, Wittgenstein argued
                                                      that  the  picture  theory  is  not
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