Page 153 - Pure Life 31
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               152  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               religious society comprises               juncture  it  is  broken  in
               a  human  hierarchy  system               our  hands  we  will  be
               which is linked with divinity.            betraying  Islam  and  the
                  The closer human beings                Noble Quran. Watch out!

               to  the  source  of  revelation           Be  careful!  Adapt  your
               the  more  responsible  they              deeds with Islam. If, God
               will  be,  and  under  the                forbid, there are deviants
               presence  circumstances  the              among  you  drive  them

               clergy  is  the  closest  and             out.  (Imam  Khomeini,
               hence  more  responsible.                 1999, Vol. 9: 539)
               The clergy is the continuation

               of  a  string  which  is  linked          While addressing people,
               to  the  serial  chain  of  the        the  Imam  refers  to  the
               prophets, which ends in the            clergy  as  the  criterion  of

               invisible  world.  Therefore,          Islam; however, addressing
               laymen  are  expected  to              the  clergy,  he  underlines
               accept  Islam  based  on               Islam as the criterion of the

               clerical interpretations.              clergy  and  calls  on  clerics
                  The Imam Khomeini has               to  watch  out  and  ostracize
               also warned of consequences            incompetent  ones  in  their
               of negligence of the clergy            ranks.

               with regard to Islam:                     Since the very beginning
                  The clergy has preserved            of  the  Movement,  the
                  Islam.  If  it  breaks  Islam       Imam  did  not  conceal  his

                  will  break.  If  at  this          worries:
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