Page 176 - Pure Life 31
P. 176
Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (175
That caused discontent the Imam Khomeini to take
and then you turned to power independently and
Islam more and more deprive the people of this
and you went ahead. political chance and
(Imam Khomeini, 1999, marginalize them. On the
Vol. 8: 443-444) other hand, if the clergy
plans to bring people and
Conclusion government closer together
The fundamental standing and convince the people to
which the Imam Khomeini show empathy for and
envisaged for the clergy in solidarity with the Islamic
the Islamic establishment is government it would have
a special one rooted in the to give political room to the
social background of clerics. people and let them
Religious scholars enjoy a compete among themselves.
special standing in the Such a trend must be
idealistic model of religious reinforced based on religious
society. democracy from day to
The clergy has been day. In return, the clergy
assigned two important would find its genuine
obligations which it must standing in the society, as
fulfill simultaneously. On one envisaged by the Imam
hand, the clergy is tasked Khomeini, and enjoy opportunities
with guidance and monitoring presented by the people's
and it should not change confidence in clergymen and
the parameters preached by