Page 172 - Pure Life 31
P. 172
Model of Government-Clergy Interaction… M. Fahami and F. Pourkeyvan (171
Revolution. (Foran, 1992: It seems that despite all the
545-546 & 584-585) social and historical events
In his attempt for the of those years, what led to
victory of the Islamic the Revolution were the
Revolution, the Imam ideological principles of
Khomeini urged the Iranians the leader and the founder
to continue their strikes of the Islamic Revolution.
before issuing messages to
the military and the Army Causes of Pahlavi Collapse
to join the revolutionary in Imam Khomeini's View
movement. The Imam also Imam Khomeini says about
highlighted the common this:
objectives of opponents, - Let me say that neither
like national independence, political factions nor the
freedom and democracy, in clergy can claim that
order to win a maximum they caused revolt across
social base, which was the Iran and did this
most valuable asset of the (Islamic Revolution).
Revolution. (Milani, 2007: 224) They were God's
The sociological and combatants who did it.
phenomenological approach It was a divine order
presented here was painting and we pin hope on
a historical image of the Him. It was not a human
events leading to the issue to be unsupported.
Islamic Revolution in Iran. That was an act of God.