Page 175 - Pure Life 31
P. 175
174 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022
Imperial regimes and a base in the nation, it
particularly in this recent had no option but to go
regime, this meaning was and it finally did go.
totally inverted. I mean That must serve as a
the ruling regime was lesson for all governments.
treating the nation with (Imam Khomeini, 1999,
allegations, pressure, annoyance, Vol. 8: 230)
torture, imprisonment and
similar conducts and the The Imam Khomeini also
defenseless nation tried refers to widespread injustice
to evade taxes, shirk every done to the people by the
responsibility and obstruct Pahlavi regime as another
state affairs as much as cause of the victory of the
it could. That created a Islamic Revolution, saying:
gap between the people One thing that brought
and the government which you this victory was the
had no popular support. increased injustice and
The ruling regime wrongly crackdown. In response
imagined to be independent to suppression, pent-up
and it had broken away demands are accumulated
from the nation. For its and they wait for a voice.
part, the nation did by no Therefore what brought
means trust the regime you to victory and
and considered it as its defeated them was that
enemy. Due to the lack of they were the oppressor
and you were the oppressed.