Page 177 - Pure Life 31
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               176  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022

               finally  would  lead  them  to         political  canon  law  for  the
               better  understanding  of              purpose of social democratization
               human life.                            and better understanding of
                  Over  the  past  half  a            human life.

               century, the Shia clergy has              It  is  also  important  to
               progressed  significantly  in          note that full knowledge of
               the  world  in  the  face  of          the Imam's thoughts on the
               influential  discourses  in            clergy     would      not    be

               light of the potentialities of         possible  only  through  his
               the Shia political discourse.          speeches and works; hence,
               The  theory  of  Islamic               we  have  to  discuss  other

               government  and  Velayat-e             aspects  of  the  issue.  But
               Faqih  is  one  of  these  new         meantime, this study is not
               capacities  of  the  Shia              expected to outline all aspects

               political discourse.  On  this         of  the  Imam's  thoughts,
               front, the Imam Khomeini's             part  of  which  remains
               view  mainly  promotes  the            hidden behind his lifestyle.

               implementation  of  divine             A separate forum would be
               law  rather  than  a  religious        needed to extract such details.
               government.  This  political
               discourse, which was raised

               during the Imam Khomeini's
               lifetime almost five decades
               ago, has redefined political

               concepts in a bid to develop
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