Page 173 - Pure Life 31
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               172  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 145-181, Summer 2022
                   (Imam  Khomeini,  1999,               people under the influence
                   Vol. 3: 39)                           of  negative  propaganda
                   -  That  was  an  invisible           against Islam over centuries.
                   hand which was extended               I  assure  you  that  if  you

                   to  awaken  this  country.            introduce  this  school  of
                   (Ibid, Vol. 16: 181)                  thought  and  introduce
                                                         the  Islamic  government
                  For the Imam Khomeini,                 as  it  is  to  universities

               divine will was the first and             students  will  accept  it.
               foremost  factor  in  the                 The students are opposed
               victory  of  the  Islamic                 to  dictatorship,  they  are

               Revolution;  this  factor  is             opposed to puppet colonized
               incomparable  with  other                 regimes, they are opposed
               instrumental      factors     in          to bullying and plundering

               terms of value and credit:                of public assets, they are
                  We  are  obligated  to                 opposed  to  consuming
                  remove  ambiguities  that              ill-gotten  wealth  and
                  have been fabricated against           spreading  lies;  but  no

                  Islam. As long as we did               university  and  student
                  not erase these ambiguities            opposes  an  Islam  with
                  off  minds  we  could  not             such  social  system  of

                  do anything. We have to                governance and teachings.
                  remove these ambiguities               (Imam Khomeini, 2010: 77)
                  which have been developed

                  in  the  minds  of  even
                  many  of  our  educated
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