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International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Serial Number 3, Summer 2022


            Infectious  Diseases  and  the  Social  Responsibility  of  the
            Governance System in Improving Human Life

            Zahra Zandie , Dr. Syed Mahmoud Mousawi
                1.  * PhD Student in Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom,

                    Qom, Iran, (Corresponding Author)
                2.  Associate Prof. in Department of Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Philosophy
                    and Ethics, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran,

           ARTICL INFO           ABSTRACT
           Article History:      SUBJEC  T  AND  OBJECTIVES:  Due  to  the  outbreak  of  a  virus  from  the
           Received: 11 February 2022  corona family called Covid-19, which has infected millions of people

           Revised: 29 May  2022   around  the  world,  the  subject  of  the  possibility  or  impossibility  of
           Accepted: 11 July 2022   Government responsibility for infectious diseases is a global issue. It is
                                 the Government's duty to act in order to improve human life, and this is
           Key Words:            in  accordance  with  its  existential  philosophy.  This  debate  originates
           Human Life
                                 from the capabilities and powers that are monopolized by Government.
                                 It  is  believed  that,  by  resorting  to  the  authority  and  discretions  of  a
           Governance System
                                 conventional Government, it can prevent the spread of many infectious
           Social Responsibility   diseases to a large extent and in case of negligence in performing tasks,
                                 must be liable. This is the initial question: Why should the Government
           Infectious Diseases   be liable for infectious disease which it had no role in creating it?

                                 METHOD  AND  FINDING:  In  this  paper,  by  descriptive  and  analytical
           Corona Virus          method and by collecting library resources, the continuity and relation
                                 between the responsibility of the Government and infectious diseases
           DOI:                  will be discussed. The Right to Life and the Right to Health are the
           10.22034/imjpl.2022.14418.1065  basis of legal authority to intervene in the field of infectious diseases.

                                 CONCLUSION:  Public  Law  and  Human  Rights  has  a  special  view  of
           DOR:                  infectious diseases and some statutes provide for Emergency Situations.
           20.1001.1.26767619.2022.   Governments  are  committed  to  taking  the  most  effective  measures
                                 possible  to  prevent  spread  of  infectious  diseases.  According  to  the
                                 findings  of  this  study,  during  Corona,  these  liabilities  for  the
                                 Government  can  be  enumerated:  Identification,  Determining  the  liable
                                 authorities and institution, Education, Responsibility for prevention and
                                 treatment, Establish and expand insurance protections, Compensation for
                                 victims, Judicial and political Responsibility. In Iran, it is necessary to
                                 design a comprehensive system for exceptional situations such as pandemics.
           * Corresponding Author:              Article Address Published on the Journal Site:
           ORCID: 0000-0002-5139-8018

                 NUMBER OF                   NUMBER OF                NATIONALITY OF
                 REFERENCES                   AUTHORS                     AUTHOR
                      54                          2                         (Iran)
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