Page 185 - Pure Life 31
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184 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
Introduction or fungi. These diseases can
The corona virus was first be transmitted directly or
discovered in late 2019 in indirectly from one person
Wuhan, China, and was to another. Tuberculosis and
officially reported to the various types of influenza,
World Health Organization cholera, measles, SARS
by the Chinese National and Covid-19 are among
Health Commission on January these diseases. We must also
12, 2020. (China National be aware of the fact that
Health Commission, 2020) Corona is not the last
The virus spread around the pandemic, and subsequent
world quickly, which the pandemics are on the way.
World Health Organization About eight years ago,
described on March 11, Ellen G.P. Ross and
2020 as a pandemic or colleagues warned that the
global epidemic. Since then, outbreak of the Ebola virus
a full-scale struggle against signaled another pandemic
humanity has begun. (Ref: in the near future: As the
WHO, 2020) Ebola epidemic slows, we
The World Health need to think about how we
Organization defines infectious can better prepare for the
disease as: Infectious diseases next pandemic. What is very
are caused by pathogenic important is the abundance
microorganisms such as of pandemics that have
bacteria, viruses, parasites,