Page 188 - Pure Life 31
P. 188
Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (187
be logically liable in the the security of body and
event of a pandemic? mind, and therefore when
One of the basic analyses people are harmed by a
may be that whenever the social phenomenon, the
occurrence or spread of the Government is obliged to
disease is related to two or protect the health and lives
more factors, some of of people, according to the
which are normal and some obligation under this contract.
of which are related to In the case of Corona,
human or organizational the principles of Government
(abnormal) error, the abnormal accountability relate to the
factor should be responsible principle of the need for
for compensation. (Ref: Government intervention in
U.S. v. Montrose Chemical cases of public interest.
Corp, 1995) Philosophically, the right to
In addition, according to life, the right to health and
the theory of “Social Contract” the right to security and a
that was introduced to safe environment underlie
public opinion in 1762 by the legal authority to
Jean-Jacques Rousseau- by intervene in infectious diseases.
joining to this contract, Explaining the theoretical
citizens cede part of their framework, control of infectious
freedoms to the Government diseases requires public
and demand security in return. health interventions, which
Security in this sense means often violate the rights of