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Infectious Diseases and… Z. Zandie and SM. Mousawi (185

               occurred  over  the  last  few         governments  were  liable
               decades. (Ross et al, 2015)            for the loss and destruction

                  The  outbreak  of  various          of  property  caused  by
               infectious  diseases  in  the          natural disasters.

               last decade proves this claim:            Governments, on the other
               Outbreak of acute respiratory          hand,  have  been  forced  to
               syndrome (SARS) in 2007,               restrict the individual rights
               Influenza  A  and  H5N1                of  a  large  number  of  their

               (bird  flu)  in  2007,  H1N1           citizens  in  order  to  ensure
               flu  (swine  flu)  in  2009,           the  health  of  the  people,
               Middle East Acute Respiratory          maintain  social  security,

               Syndrome  in  2012  and                and  their  survival,  citing
               Ebola  in  2014.  Therefore,           the rule of law. Under these
               the incidence of pandemics             circumstances, Governments

               is decreasing.                         tightly monitor public freedoms.
                  Governments have a primary             The premise of examining
               liability  to  ensure  that  the       Government  responsibility

               risk  of  natural  disasters  is       during  an  outbreak  of
               reduced,  responded  to,  and          coronavirus  is  that  dealing

               improved in their territories.         with  the  disease  at  the
               For  example;  the  ruling  of         national  level  requires  a

               the European Court of Human            model of coherent, purposeful,
               Rights  in  the  Case  of              and  legitimate  action.  The
               Budayeva  and  Others  v.              examination of the issue is

               Russia (2008) declared that            based  on  the  assumption
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