Page 187 - Pure Life 31
P. 187
186 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 183-230, Summer 2022
that the performance of After that, we will address
Governments must be in legal documentation of
accordance with the Government liability for
requirements of the constitution infectious diseases. Finally,
and the rule of the we will explore the types of
constitution. (Cambot, 1998) Government liabilities in
Now the question is why the event of an infectious
should the Government disease and Iran's assessment
engage in a wide range of of this issue.
liabilities when an infectious
disease occurs? Every day, The Social Responsibility
Governments are very much of the Governance System
looking for resources to In the legal analysis of the
retrieve their revenue shortfalls, theoretical foundations of
so why should impose this discussion, the important
multiple liabilities on them characteristics of corona
when such diseases occur? should be considered:
This article will try to epidemic, highly contagious,
answer the above questions. with persistent symptoms
In this regard, first, the and the possibility of death.
social responsibility of the (Ghamami, 2020) Given
governance system in this crucial premise, the
improving human life in most important question that
dealing with infectious needs to be answered is:
diseases will be examined. Why should the Government