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               232  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 231-250, Summer 2022

               Introduction                           directed to improve welfare,
               The      main       goal      of       strengthen community resilience
               development is to create an            and  the  basis  of  economic,
               enabling environment for its           social,  cultural,  political,

               people  to  enjoy  long,               security and social resilience.
               healthy     and     productive         In  its  implementation,  the
               lives.  In  accordance  with           principles  of  self-help  and
               the     mandate      of    Law         mutual cooperation are still

               concerning  villages,  the             prioritized,     with     some
               purpose         of      village        existing policies or programs
               development  is  to  improve           that    apply     should     be

               the     welfare     of     rural       harmonized         with      the
               communities and the quality            different    potentials     and
               of human life and to reduce            conditions  in  each  region.

               poverty  through  fulfilling           Therefore,  to  overcome  the
               basic needs, building village          problems  that  occur  in  the
               facilities  and  infrastructure,       region  must  be  adapted  to

               building  local  economic              each  case  that  occurs  in  it.
               potential     and      utilizing       (Tomasi et al, 2019)
               natural  resources  and  the
               environment in a sustainable           Problem Statement

               manner. (Lembaran RI Tahun,            Participation means conscious
               Vol. 6, 2014)                          and  voluntary  participation
                  Through the development             to participate physically and

               carried  out,  it  can  be             non-physically  in  activities
                                                      ranging     from      planning,
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