Page 235 - Pure Life 31
P. 235
234 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 231-250, Summer 2022
The character of the 0.71 and there is only 1
village community can district that is classified as
basically be seen through independent, namely Sungai
local organizations that Penuh City and classified as
grow and develop in the advanced Batanghari Regency.
community, social capital, (Badan Pusan Statistik
leadership styles and conflict Provinsi Jambi, 2022) This
management mechanisms, condition illustrates the not
these four of which greatly yet maximal development
affect community participation carried out by the
in the socio-economic realm, government and the level of
as well as in governance community participation.
and village development. Community participation
This means that these four is influenced by several
elements contribute to the factors, one of which is
rise and fall of the degree public service and leadership.
and intensity of community Public service is the
participation. provision of services
Jambi is one of the (serving) carried out by
provinces that have the public service providers
Developing Village Index (government) as an effort to
(IDM) in the developing fulfil the needs and needs of
category, which is 0.69. service recipients or the
Almost all IDM districts in community as well as
Jambi Province are below implementing provisions of