Page 236 - Pure Life 31
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The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (235

               laws  and  regulations  that           services  has  a  positive  and
               have  an  interest  in  the            significant  influence  on

               organization  in  accordance           community satisfaction, which
               with  the  basic  rules  and           is 35, 5%. (Ref: Velayati, 2018)

               procedures  that  have  been              Based  on  the  problems
               established.      Determined.          and various previous studies,
               (Mubarok  and  Suparman,               it is necessary to study more
               2019: 12)                              deeply  the  influence  of

                  Meanwhile,  leadership  is          public services and leadership
               how an individual becomes              on  giving  meaning  to  life
               a  leader  to  try  to  influence      and community participation

               his  subordinates  to  want  to        in  development  in  Jambi
               work together to achieve an            Province.
               organization's  goals.  (Ref:

               Tristina and Widagdo, 2019)            Research Methods
                  Thus it can be concluded            The  research  method  used
               that  public  services  and            in    this     study     is    a

               leadership  certainly  have  a         quantitative  method.  The
               role in increasing on giving           research  data  was  obtained
               meaning       to    life    and        from  a  random  sample  of
               community  participation  in           the community. Determination

               villages  development.  This           of the sample is carried out
               is in line with the results of         using  the  area  sampling
               research conducted, that the           technique  from  the  district,

               variable  quality  of  public          sub-district     and    village
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