Page 234 - Pure Life 31
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The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (233

               implementation,  evaluation            in a forum, the existence of
               and utilization of development         a  pessimistic  and  apathetic

               results.  If  the  definition  of      attitude  of  the  community,
               participation  is  detailed,  it       when the community clashes

               contains      the    following         with  the  implementation  of
               elements:                              development.  (Sigalingging
               1. Participation or involvement        and Warjio, 2014)
               in an activity                            Social harmonization is a

               2. Voluntary awareness                 very important factor in the
               3. A pro-active attitude               life  of  a  multicultural
               4. Contributions made, both            society  to  realize  equal

               physical and non-physical              participation  for  all  people
               5.     The     existence      of       in development. (Włodarska-
               agreements. (Moch, 2014: 145)          Frykowska, 2017)

                                                         However, in reality, each
                  Community  participation            place has a different level of
               in development is still very           participation. There are many
               minimal, this is in line with          factors    that    make      the

               the  results  of  research             community        reluctant    to
               conducted, which states that           participate in the development,
               community  participation  in           both  individually  by  the

               development is still low and           community  itself  and  the
               is  influenced  by  several            support  and  encouragement
               factors, namely: limited public        of community leaders in the

               understanding,  the  absence           District.
               of  the  principle  of  equality
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