Page 240 - Pure Life 31
P. 240
The Effect of Public Service and Leadership on… K. Kuswanto et al / (239
Based on Table 3, it is 3. Description of giving
explained that most Meaning to Life and
(72.92%) of the people in Community Participation
the study area rate that the in Villages Development
leadership of the village The principle of
government is in the high participation is oriented to
category and 18.05 percent community resources, the
rate it very high. There are opportunity to participate is
8.66 percent who rate it low wide open so that the
and 0.36 percent very low. community can participate
actively and freely in
development activities starting
from the stages of design,
implication, to evaluation.
Table 4: Description of Community Participation in Life and
Villages Development Frequency
Interval Category F Percentage (%)
13 - 16 Very high 85 30.69
9 - 12 High 116 41.88
5 - 8 Low 75 27.08
1 - 4 Very low 1 0.36
Total 277 100.00
Source: Badan Pusan Statistik Provinsi Jambi, 2022