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               58  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (31): 27-67, Summer 2022

                  breaking her bones! Insist          informing  him  of  your
                  and  ask  her  about  the           wrongdoings so that he may
                  matter”. (Nahj al-Balagha,          judge between us”. (Majlisi,
                  Sermon. 202)                        2008: Vol. 43: 117)

                                                         This story is also quoted
                  Allamah  Majlisi  says:             from Salman Farsi: I asked
               When Fatimah was suffering             Salman:  Did  they  enter
               from  severity  of  fractured          Fatima's  house  without

               bones  in  the  bed,  the  first       permission?  He  said:  Yes!
               and  second  caliphs  visited          Swear by God they rushed
               her. Fatima turned her back            so  that  Fatima's  scarf  fell

               to  them  and  said:  Did  you         and  she  shouted,  “O,  my
               hear  this  hadith  from  the          father”. At that time, Qunfudh
               Prophet  that  said:  “Fatima          severely hurt Fatima. Fatima

               is  a  part  of  me.  So  if           took  refuge  in  the  door  of
               anyone  annoys  her  it  is  as        the house where the cursed
               though  annoys  me.”  They             Qunfudh broke her abdominal
               said yes. Then Fatima raised           bones between the door and

               her  hands  to  the  sky  and          wall  and  she  had  an
               said: “God, witness that they          abortion,  and  then  she  fell
               hurt  me.  I  will  complain           in  the  bed  and  was

               about them before you and              martyred. (Salim ibn Qays,
               your Prophet”. Then she said:          2007, Vol. 2: 588)
               “I am not pleased with you                Some Sunni scholars have

               and  I  do  not  forgive  you          also told this story. As Fatima's
               until  visit  the  Prophet  and
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