Page 60 - Pure Life 31
P. 60

Proofs of the Obedience and… Kh. Ahmadi Bighash / (59

               illness became more severe,               the  time  for  my  life  to
               a  number  of  Muhajir  and               meet the  Apostle of God

               Ansar women came to visit                 and to complain to him”.
               her, says Hakim Naysaburi.                (Dinawari, 1990, Vol. 1: 31)

               When  they  asked  Fatima
               how she is, she said:                     Dinawari has also narrated
                  “Swear by God I hate your           the story of Saqifah and the
                  world, I am annoyed with            insult to Imam Ali, saying:

                  your men, their faces be            When  they  took  Ali  with
                  ugly,  their  noses  to  the        insult and oppression to the
                  ground  and  their  hands           first  caliph,  to  give  him

                  and  feet  be  cut  off,  and       allegiance, Ali said: If I do
                  God's  severe  retribution          not make  allegiance?  They
                  to this oppressive people”.         said,  Then  we'll  cut  your

                  (Hakim Naysaburi, 2012: 112)        neck. At that time, the first
                                                      caliph     who      saw      the
                  Imam Dinawari also quotes           extremism of second caliph,
               the visit of first and second          said,  I  will  not  force  him

               caliphs with Fatima exactly            into allegiance until Fatima
               as  Allamah  Majlisi  and              is alive. (Ibid)
               says: Fatima said to them:                It  is  noteworthy  that  the

                  “I  call  God  and  all  of         Prophet  repeatedly condemned
                  His  angels  to  witness            the       oppression        and
                  that  you  have  hurt  me           harassment to the Ahl al-Bayt,

                  very much and you made              especially  his  daughter,
                  me angry. I curse you all           Fatima, and his cousin Ali.
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