Page 86 - Pure Life 31
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The Spiritual Importance of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage… S. Fahs and Y. Ali / (85

               and  every  year  millions  of         ceremony.  This  is  the
               Muslims  around  the  world            person  they  chose,  who

               remember  his  sacrifice  to           stood     up     for    Islamic
               keep  his  religion  on  the           principles,  no  matter  what

               right path.                            the price. (Freeman, 2022)
                  In the 2016 documentary                Morgan  wonders  why
               “The  Story  of  GOD”,                 the  Shia  community  holds
               Morgan       released     these        Hussein  in  such  high

               statements  and  introduces            regard.     Why      do    they
               Imam  Hussein  as  follows:            continue  to  commemorate
               Christians believe that God            his  martyrdom  after  1400

               chose Jesus to show a new              years? He travels to London
               path  for  Judaism  that  fell         to  learn  more  about  the
               under  the  rule  of  the              Ashura tragedy. While there,

               Romans;  Shi'ism  in  Islam            he     visits    the     Khoei
               is  something  similar.  Its           Foundation Mosque, where
               origin  goes  back  to  the            he hears from the speakers

               death  of  a  person  named            and        interacts       with
               Hussain ibn Ali.                       worshippers.  He  said  that
                  Finally,  He  concludes:            the  star  seemed  quite
               Christians  hold  weekly               interested in commemorating.

               ceremonies for Issa's death            (Freeman, 2016)
               at  an  intimate  and  holy               Edward Browne, a famous
               gathering,  and  Shiites  hold         orientalist and professor of

               one  in  a  year;  the  funeral        Arabic  who  studied  in  the
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