Page 88 - Pure Life 31
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The Spiritual Importance of the Arbaeen Pilgrimage… S. Fahs and Y. Ali / (87

               submission  in  favour  of             were the principal goals of
               freedom and humanity. His              Imam  Hussein's  revolution

               movement  is  widespread               against  the  life  of  deceit
               and has inspired millions to           and  corruption  that  the

               resist oppression and injustice.       civilisations  at  the  time
               It  has  been  successful  in          were living. This revolution
               inspiring feelings of sacrifice        stands  out  as  a  movement
               and      martyrdom        while        that  is  full  of  spiritual,

               elevating  the  message  of            moral, and religious values
               truth  to  achieve  lofty              that,  if  put  into  practice  in
               objectives.                            our      own       life     and

                                                      philosophy, will be brought
               Conclusion                             down  to  our  children  and
               God  Almighty  said  in  his           offspring.

               Glorious Book:                            Therefore, as true believers
                  “And  from  among  you              in  this  revolution  and  its
                  there  should  be  a  party         message,  we  must  not  see
                  who  invite  to  good  and          the harmful events unfolding

                  enjoin  what  is  right  and        upon  us  and  sit  by  idly.
                  forbid  the  wrong,  and            Instead,  we  should  make
                  these  it  is  that  shall  be      use  of  occasions  like

                  successful”. (Quran, 3: 104)
                                                      Arbaeen  Pilgrimage  and
                  Justice,  freedom  and              other  holy  days  to  reform

               reformation allines with the           and  spread  the  message  of
               true principles of Islam that          Imam Hussein. For this reason,
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