Page 132 - Pure Life 32
P. 132

Moral Education of Adolescents… A.S Hosseini Dehshiri (131

               leads  to  the  elimination  of        measure  that  behavior  not
               the tendency to evil.                  according to the environment

                  Adolescents before childhood        and  society,  but  according
               and  adulthood  are  affected          to  the  factors  and  social
               by  conditions,  especially            conditions  of  its  creator

               social and human conditions.           and  then  by  removing  the
               Many adolescent behaviors              unfavorable  conditions  and
               have  environmental  roots,            creating favorable conditions,

               so  in  order  to  eliminate           replace     the    appropriate
               those moods and behaviors              behavior.
               and  create  the  correct  and            The  nature  of  young

               desirable  behavior,  one              people is such that they are
               must  pay  attention  to  the          prone to the formation and
               environment         and      its       acceptance  of  any  external

               conditions  and  lay  the              influences  and  to  the
               groundwork.                            acquisition  of  morals  and
                  Environment and environmental       habits from the people and
               factors have a direct effect           parents  and  those  around

               on  creating  good  or  bad            them.
               behavior. And regardless of
               the  situations,  causes  and          First: Providing an Opportunity

               factors  of  behaviors  and            for Moral Action
               their  change,  no  moral              Ethical  action  is  the  best
               change will take place.                and most effective way for

                  In  order  to  study  the           moral  development.  Doing
               adolescent's  behavior  and            any moral act has an effect
               change it, it is necessary to          on one's personality. If the
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