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               132  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 99-145, Autumn. 2022

               same  practice  continues  in          necessary  that  the  offer  to
               different  living  conditions,         do      good      deeds      be
               these works will be lasting            accompanied  by  rational
               and  will  be  the  source  of         justifications and reasons.
               moral actions.                            Accordingly,  adolescent

                  In other words, persistence         participation      in    group
               in  moral  action  will  shape         activities  leads  to  learning
               the  moral  abilities  of  the         many      social    etiquettes,

               secretary.  Therefore,  the            principles  and  ethics.  In
               best  way  in  line  with  the         this  way,  the  adolescent
               principle      of      creating        learns many things such as

               favorable  conditions  is  to          cooperation, empathy, respect
               provide  opportunities  and            for      the      rights      of
               grounds  for  choosing  and            individuals, and so on.

               performing good moral actions.            Also,  with  the  correct
                  Of  course,  it  should  be         application  of  this  method,
               noted  that  to  enter  the            it  enjoys  the  positive
               moral  field,  pressure  and           effects  of  companionship.

               coercion  to  do  good  and            These  activities  can  be
               valuable  moral  deeds  will           accomplished  by  forming
               not  have  the  right  result,         sports  groups,  organizing

               especially  for  adolescents           camps, delegating, and sharing
               who have a special spirit of           school  responsibilities  to
               independence,  so  do  not             the students themselves.

               force       children        and           Games       that    are    of
               adolescents  to  act  without          interest to the teen can also
               logical reasons. Rather, it is         be  used  to  provide  ethical
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