Page 169 - Pure Life 32
P. 169
168 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
3. The Fit of the variables is higher than 0.7,
Measurement Models which indicates the appropriate
To check the fit of the reliability of the model.
measurement models, three In this research, the
criteria of reliability, reliability of the variables
convergent validity and is at the optimal level.
divergent validity are used, Since the reliability is
and the reliability itself is confirmed, it is possible to
done by checking factor investigate the assumptions
loading coefficients, Cronbach's by structural equations and
alpha coefficients, composite the result can be
reliability and shared reliability. generalized to the entire
The criterion value for target society.
the appropriateness of The second criterion of
factor load coefficients is measuring measurement models
0.5. For all the questions, is convergent validity,
the coefficients of the which examines the
factor loadings of the correlation of each variable
questions are more than with its questions (indices).
0.5, which shows the According to the method
appropriateness of this of Fornell and Larker, who
criterion. introduced the appropriate
Here, none of the value for AVE above 0.4.
questions were deleted. The For all 6 variables, the
value of Cronbach's alpha AVE value is greater than
and the combined reliability or equal to 0.4.
of the variables in all 6