Page 174 - Pure Life 32
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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (173

                  R2  value  for  exogenous           its  fit,  the  fit  check  is
               or independent variables is            completed in one model.

               equal  to  zero.  In  this  part,         According  to  the  three
               the  value  of  R2  for  two           values  of  0.01,  0.25  and
               variables (consequences and            0.36,  which  are  introduced

               strategies)  is  greater  than         as  weak,  medium  and
               0.32  and  equal  to  the              strong  values  for  GOF,  in
               average  value,  and  for  the         all  3  variables,  a  value

               main  phenomenon  variable             greater  than  0.36  was
               is  greater  than  0.19  and           obtained,  which  shows  the
               equal to the weak value.               overall  average  fit  of  the

                  Q2  value:  This  criterion         model.
               for  the  three  endogenous               Has  it  Therefore,  in  the
               variables  of  the  model  is          qualitative  part  of  the

               more  than  0.15,  which               research, it was determined
               shows  that  the  exogenous            that  the  categories  were
               (independent) variables  are           defined  in  the  form  of  16
               moderate  in  predicting  the          categories and 62 conceptual

               dependent  variable  and               codes,  and  in  the  heart  of
               confirms the appropriate fit           the  6  dimensions  of  the
               of  the  research  structural          paradigm  model  in  the

               model to some extent make.             form  of  causal  factors  (4
                                                      categories), the main category:
                   4.  Overall Model Fit                 Strategic  plan  for  sports

               The overall model includes             leisure  time  (1  category),
               both measurement and structural        Strategies  (4  categories),
               model parts, and by confirming
                                                      contextual conditions (3 categories),
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