Page 170 - Pure Life 32
P. 170

The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (169

                  Divergent  validity  is  the        between  that  variable  and
               third criterion for examining          other variables in the model

               the  fit  of  measurement              at an acceptable level.
               models,  which  in  this                  After  examining  the  fit
               research  is  used  in  both           of the measurement models,

               parts  of  the  first  method          it  is  time  to  fit  the
               (questions  related  to  each          structural  model  of  the
               variable are more correlated           research.  As  mentioned

               to  that  variable  than  to           earlier, unlike measurement
               other variables) and second            models, the structural model
               (another important criterion           section  has  nothing  to  do

               that  Divergent  validity  is          with  questions  (manifest
               determined,  the  degree  of           variables)  and  only  hidden
               relationship  of  a  variable          variables  are  examined

               with     its    questions     is       along with the relationships
               compared to the relationship           between them.
               of  that  variable  with  other
               variables).  So  that  the

               acceptable divergent validity
               of  a  model  means  that  a
               variable  in  the  model

               interacts more with questions
               than with other variables.
                  Divergent  validity  was

               confirmed  when  the  AVE
               for each variable is greater
               than  the  shared  variance
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