Page 175 - Pure Life 32
P. 175
174 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
intervening conditions (3 paradigm model of the
categories) and consequences strategic program of leisure
(1 category) were included. time with an emphasis on
In the quantitative part, it the Iranian model in the
was also determined that all form of six dimensions
6 main components of the including causal factors
research have a suitable fit, (four categories), main
so the research model has a phenomenon (one category),
sufficient fit. strategy (four categories),
background factors (three
Conclusion categories), intervention
In the present research, the conditions (three categories)
model of the strategic and outcome (one category).
program of sports leisure In the designed model,
time has been presented the support of managers,
with an emphasis on the acceptance of employees,
Iranian model. For this team participation and
purpose, foundational data organizational culture are
theory was used to present considered as causal factors
the model, and the presented in the strategic plan of
model was obtained from sports leisure time with an
coding processes resulting emphasis on the Iranian
from interviews with prominent model, which provide the
professors. reasons for the success of
Based on the results of the strategic plan.
the analysis of the qualitative Regarding the issue of
data from the interview, the
strategic management, it should