Page 176 - Pure Life 32
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The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (175
be noted that although implementation of the
strategic plans are strategic plan are among
formulated by experts, it the things that are included
requires the cooperation and in the formulation and
support of top managers, implementation of strategic
middle managers, and executive plans.
employees of the organization, Leisure time plays an
both in the formulation and important role and can help
implementation stages. In improve the quality of this
the stage of formulation strategic plan.
and implementation of In this context, Teimouri
strategic plans, managers of et al (2018) have pointed
organizations, especially senior out the existence of support
managers, have a facilitating from managers at all levels
role. for the implementation of
The support of senior strategies in the management
managers for the prepared model of employees'
plans resulting from the Leisure Time at work.
strategic plan, the eagerness Jafarinia and Raji (2022)
of managers to provide also examined the challenges
information, providing the and solutions of implementing
necessary resources for the strategic human resources
implementation of the planning in organizations
strategic plan, and the and introduced the factor of
support of managers from management participation
employees and encouraging as one of the effective
them in the formulation and