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               176  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
               factors  on  strategic  human          level  of  support  of  the
               resources planning.                    employees  for  these  plans
                  Mazloumi and Mutauli (2013)         and  the  awareness  of  the
               also     stated     that    the        employees  of  the  contents
               implementation of strategic            of  the  strategic  plan  are

               plans is a function of many            influential        in        the
               factors, including executive           probability  of  the  success
               commitment  of  managers,              of the strategic leisure plans.

               and  executive  commitment                One of the things that is
               (managers' belief in the plan,         emphasized         for       the
               commitment  to  implement              acceptance      of    strategic

               the      plan,     appropriate         plans  by  the  employees  is
               formulation,  clear  goals,            that      the       employees
               feasible  plan)  is  a  central        themselves  participate  in

               category  and  the  most               the  process  of  developing
               important  factor  in  the             the strategic plan.
               implementation of strategic               According  to  the  findings
               plans.                                 of  the  present  research,

                  Of  course,  along  with            preparing  employees  to
               managers'       support      for       accept  strategies  is  one  of
               strategic  leisure  programs,          the identified internal factors

               the  acceptance  of  these             of  the  implementation  of
               programs  by  employees  is            strategic  plans,  which  was
               also  of  great  importance;           mentioned  in  the  research

               So that the eagerness of the           of  Mazloumi  and  Mutauli
               employees  to  accept  the             (2013).
               formulated  plans  and  the
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