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               180  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
               the  purpose  of  human                   Nazarian  Madavani  and
               creation,  improving  the              Ramezani (2012) also three
               situation.  The  individual            main  solutions  from  the
               identity  of  the  people              point of view of students to
               present in the activities and          develop the share of sports

               the  encouragement to  have            During their Leisure Time,
               an      active      individual         they  introduced  students
               lifestyle  are  important  in          including  providing  tickets

               the anthropological dimension.         with  a  special  discount  or
                  In  the  field  of  strategies      free  to  use  sports  facilities
               presented  for  leisure  time,         or       watching        sports

               Teimouri  et  al  (2018)  by           competitions, equipping and
               presenting  a  model  for              improving  sports  places
               managing  employees'  leisure          and  spaces  inside  the

               time  at  work  with  a                dormitories  and  inside  the
               combined approach, strategies          university, providing sports
               that  include  appropriate             equipment  with  a  special
               planning for leisure time in           discount to the students.

               the  organization,  determining           The  findings  of  the
               detailed      policies       for       research  showed that  some
               supervision  and  monitoring,          environmental       conditions

               and     the     freedom       of       hinder  the  implementation
               employees  and  having  the            of  the  strategies  of  the
               right  They  identified  the           strategic  plan  of  sports

               choice  in  how  to  spend             leisure     time    with     an
               leisure time.                          emphasis  on  the  Iranian
                                                      model. The implementation
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