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               182  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 9 (32): 147-189, Autumn. 2022
               management to be involved                 Similarly, in the research
               in  the  implementation  of            of Jafarinia and Raji (2022),
               strategic plans.                       the organizational structure
                  Also, intervening factors           has  been  emphasized  as
               also affect the implementation         one of the effective factors

               of  the  strategic  sports             on the strategic planning of
               leisure  program,  which               human resources.
               includes  factors  such  as               In  addition,  the  issue  of

               organizational structure (number       facilities  as  an  influential
               of     managers       in     the       factor in sports leisure time
               organization,  formal  or              has  been  mentioned  in  the

               informal communication in              research      of     Nazarian
               the  organization  and  the            Madavani and Ramezani (2012).
               level       of       employee             In  general,  as  can  be

               participation  in  decision-           seen in the model presented
               making), facilities (available         in the research, there are a
               facilities).  in  order  to            series        of       internal
               achieve  the  goals  of  the           organizational          factors

               strategic  plan  and  the              including  the  support  of
               amount  of  staff  facilities)         managers,  acceptance  of
               and  human  resources  (the            employees,  team participation

               presence      of    motivated,         and  organizational  culture,
               expert  and  experienced               which  are  effective  on  the
               human        resources        in       success  of  developing  and

               formulating and implementing           implementing a strategic plan
               the  organization's  strategic         for  sports  leisure  with  an
               plan).                                 emphasis on the Iranian model.
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