Page 182 - Pure Life 32
P. 182

The Strategic Model of Sports Leisure Management… M.S Kiani and L. Nazari (181

               of strategic plans requires a          performance are among the
               lot  of  national  budget              limitations  of  management

               resources,  however,  due  to          factors  that  lead  to  the
               the  fact  that  the  national         incomplete  implementation
               budget  resources  of  sports          of  the  strategic  sports

               organizations are limited and          leisure plan. If the planners
               additional  and  undefined             do not pay attention to the
               costs     appear      in    the        environmental       conditions

               implementation        of    the        affecting the implementation
               strategic       plan,        the       of  the  strategic  plan  of
               implementation        of    this       sports leisure, the strategies

               strategic  plan  may  face             will  not  be  implemented
               limitations.                           well  and  may  not  have
                  The  existence  of  some            enough effect and somehow

               laws  and  regulations  may            cause  the  failure  of  the
               also  cause  problems  in  the         strategic plan.
               implementation        of    the           In  this  context,  the
               strategic  plan  of  sports            results  of  Mansouri  et  al

               leisure  time,  which  should          (2019)  research  showed
               be taken into consideration            that  managerial  factors  are
               when       formulating       the       one      of     the     factors

               strategic      plan.      Little       influencing  the  choice  of
               knowledge  of  managers,               leisure activities.
               Managers         not      being           Mazloumi  and  Mutauli

               program-oriented            and        (2013)  also  consider  the
               incorrect     selection     and        careful selection of employees
               evaluation  of  employees'             and      the    stability     of
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